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July 2019

Making any piece of art can be a long process. I know I have some quilts from 15 years ago that still need to be finished and I’m sure you have UFOs (UnFinished Objects) and WIPs (Works In Progress) too! It’s so satisfying to finish the that last step and feel the excitement of a completed project. But it is important to remember that a project isn’t really done until you label it! Why are labels important? It’s your one chance to tell the story of your quilt (or any piece of art that you make) the way you want it to be remembered. Read more →

We’re in full blown summer-type weather here in southern Indiana and it has me dreaming of beach vacations and slowing down for a bit. A vacation isn’t in the cards right now as this new start-up business means a slow initial cash flow. In the meantime though, I can dream about one of my favorite vacations ever, when I visited Penzance, Cornwall, in the United Kingdom last summer and hopefully inspire some of you to travel there as well! Read more →